Биомусор - Полиция задержала подозреваемых школьниц (видео)

Марк Фейгин - "Снизилось колчиство троллей" (скрин)

Сначала всех забанил,а потом забыл.

Разведопрос: Артём Войтенков про "Познавательное ТВ" (видео)

Геннадий Соловьев о современных журналах об охоте (видео)

Игорь Стрелков - "Мозгового убили местные олигархи ДНР и ЛНР" (видео)

Evidence of the lack of the Nazis in Ukraine in 2015 (foto+video)

Ukrainian mainstream media immediately blamed the incident on the rebels who don't even have an aircraft. Though on the 3rd of July, a deputy commander of the Public Relations of Battalion Azov had admitted that the cause of fire was pilot "error". All of the war crimes committed by Ukrainian government and their punitive battalions is blamed on the rebels who just wouldn't kill their own parents, wives, and children since over 90% of the rebels are made up of local citizens. Facts speak otherwise and images don't lie. Ukrainian propaganda machine is really on it. Disgusting.

Борис Юлин про Кургиняна . Секта "суть времени"